My Neighbor Totoro Quick Review

My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli.The film tells the story of the two young daughters Satsuki and Mei of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. Mr miyazaki tells the tale of simpler times of innocence with all its elegance and grace. My Neighbor Totoro is also notable for being the first of Miyazaki’s movies to be verifiably set in Japan and not a nameless fantasy realm. The whole point of the story is that wonderment can happen at home, as long as children keep their imagination alive.
My Neighbor Totoro has become one of the most beloved of all family films without ever having been much promoted or advertised. It's a perennial best seller on video. On the Internet Movie Database, it's voted the fifth best family film of all time. The new Anime Encyclopedia calls it the best Japanese animated film ever made. Studio Ghibili brought us the delightful picturesque of lusty vistas and pattering rain drops. 
This animation which was a heartwarming, sentimental masterpiece that captures the simple grace of childhood, widely regarded as one of the best animated movie ever made without computer animated graphics. It graciously rendezvous the shrines of trees, jungles foreshadowing their paramount relevance in our era.  Miyazaki lovingly depicts a part of Japan that doesn’t get much attention, that of a rural neighborhood and farmlands, and he kisses it with such amazing colors and makes it feel at once true to life and like a dream.
Above all it celebrated life and simpler joy which a child could find in its taint-less imagination with ambiguity and serenity. It urges us to go for simpler means cutting the darker instincts for greater good. In essence, My Neighbor Totoro is more about inspiring one's imagination an honest message about the importance of childhood and a connection with nature than creating a fantasy backdrop. Complexity is absent, but the presentation is delivered with finesse and flair. Much of this is due to the laid-back pace and the amiable guidance of the protagonists, slowly hinting at the mysteries that may be hidden in the nooks and crannies of dark rooms and lush forests. All the viewer needs to do is to sit down, relax, and enjoy the magic unfold.

If you haven't watched this movie, I highly recommend it.
This Movie is Certified Legendary 

I Am Going With 9.1/10 For My Neighbor Totoro
