Black Panther is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the eighteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Ryan Coogler with serious muscle and style, and magisterially imagined by production designer Hannah Beachler and costume designer Ruth E Carter, Black Panther makes you contemplate that it took this long for a studio to try it.
Black Panther picks up right after the events of Civil War. T'Challa returns home as king of Wakanda but finds his sovereignty challenged by a long-time adversary, in a conflict with global consequences. It’s marvel’s and Walt Disney’s combined production which specifically harmonized the glorious cultural heritage of black community and a bit of wondering contemplation of what it would be of Africa if it didn’t get invaded and pillaged by colonial powers.
It’s a guilt trip of white studio executives and a rousing battle cry for the black community to reclaim the heritage and lost paragon.
The actors are all seen to very good advantage. Boseman certainly holds his own, but there are quite a few charismatic supporting players here keen to steal every scene they can and they do, notably the physically imposing and ever brooding Jordan, the radiant and charismaticNyong'o and especially Wright, who gives her every scene extra punch and humor.
Ryan Coogler directed this panorama of a visual action thriller with a dynamic vision of recent POP culture and socio-political flux. The screenplay borrowed fragments of ideas from dark knight, Lion King, Malcolm X, James Bond and several other epics most notably the fight sequence from GOT.
Black Panther is at the same time a visual joy to behold, with confident quirkiness and very tangible action sequences and 007 esque car chases. The mesmerizing cinematography ensued the glorious reveal of Wakanda and its impenetrable rain forest with great grass sea of Savannah, Cinematographer Rachel Morrison ensured us whimsical shots and a surreal shot of the sunset.
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The production design and custom design engulfed the viewer into the culture which is steeped in African and tribal influences but which also offers a jaw-dropping look at what a city of the future could be.It cunningly uttered or gave an occasional shout out to how much if anything does wealthy countries owe the poor and oppressed of the world, the unification of black community and also how an eye for an eye doesn’t often yield the solution.The much sought mineral vibranium allegories the mineral treasures of the African continent.
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It was like been there done that routine without any souvenirs for cinema as an art. Materialistically it was breathtaking but it didn’t appeal intellectually and painstakingly redundant.
Putting aside my striding, it bears a time stamp which ironically gives access to it into the pantheon of legendary superhero movies. It is the first to lean heavily into an ethos known as Afrofuturism very roughly speaking, an approach to science fiction and fantasy grounded in black experience and the cultures of the African continent.
It set out from the conventional ground of portraying African Americans as half-starved, maimed, powder snorting community prone to violence and crime, and projected them in luminous majesty with all its glory.
If you haven't watched this movie, I highly recommend it.
I am going with 7.5/10 for this great MCU superhero adventure that smoothly blends rich narrative substance with sheer popcorn entertainment.
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